Seniors Expo Theraband Exercise Program - By Stephanie Vanden-Bergh (Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist)


Seniors Expo Theraband Exercise Program

It is amazing what you can accomplish with a door and short piece of Theraband. No matter what age you are, exercising regularly is crucial for your general health and wellbeing.

Adding resistance exercises to your regime can help build strength and improve bone health.   Here are a handful of simple Theraband exercises you can try at home.

Vary the sets and repetitions depending on your fitness level.  Start off with 3 x 10 repetitions. If that is too easy, do more.  If that is too hard, do less.  You should feel some fatigue but not experience any pain during or after exercise.

If you have aches and pains that are holding you back. Make an appointment to get them sorted prior to starting this program.   As part of your treatment, I will issue you with exercises that are safe for you to do to ensure that you can continue to exercise daily.

Have fun!

1. The Bicep Curl. Loop the band under one of your legs. Hold the tubing close to your thigh, sit tall and comfortably and then bring your hands towards your shoulders against the resistance of the band.  Only go as far as manageable.  Slowly lower, the repeat.  To make this harder, you can hold both ends of tubing in the one hand so that you are working one arm at a time against greater resistance. 

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2. The Outward Rotator.  Sit tall and comfortable. Have your elbows by your side. Be sure that that are not behind the mid line of your body. Hold your shoulder blades up and back (or where ever is comfortable for you. Hold the band with about 20-30cm between hands, palms facing each other. Pull your hands further apart against resistance. As you do this, think about drawing your shoulder blades together. Slowly relax, then repeat. 

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3. The Rower.  Tie a knot in one end of your tubing. Close this end into a door. Be sure it is secure. Standing facing the door approximately 1 metre away from it. Reach forwards for the bend so that you grasp it with a straight arm. Now bend your elbow back towards the midline of your body against resistance. Slowly relax, then repeat. Complete on both sides. 

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4. The Inward Rotator. Stand with your side facing the door. Hold the tubing in the hand that is furthermost from the door. Start with your forearm across your stomach and than, keeping you elbow by your side, rotate your forearm outwards against the resistance of the band. Slowly relax, then repeat.  Complete on both sides.  

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5. The Pull Down. Put the knotted end of the tubing in the top of a door. Reach up as far as comfortable, grasp the tubing and then bend your elbow and bring your hand downwards against the resistance of the band. Slowly relax, then repeat. Complete on both sides. 

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These exercises should never cause pain. If you experience any pain or discomfort when completing these, please stop the exercise and contact Lively Physiotherapy for an appointment. Call 49575850